The SILBERMANN Automatic changeover unit is designed for continuous supply of gas at the pressure of up to 8 bars.
- The SILBERMANN Automatic changeover unit is designed for continuous supply of gas at a pressure of up to 8 bars (higher outlet pressure upon customer request).
- The panel includes a mechanism which switches the supply from the “in service” bank to a “reserve” supply bank, when the “in service” bank is empty. After rotating the lever and replacing
- the empty bank cylinders, the previous “in service” becomes the “reserve” bank for the next operation.
- The panel is equiped with two manifold pressure regulators (in case of malfunction), mid range gauge, line pressure regulators w/bypass valves, all mounted on a white baked painted steel panel.
- Safety value@6 bar supplied with the panel.
Applicable standards:
- NFPA99, EN ISO 73961-1 & G0-1 requirements.
Silbermann’s Quality management system:
- ISO 13485
- CE marked by the notified body TUV-SUD