Products Medical Gas
Zone Value

Cleaned for medical gas use and 100% hydrostatic tested, these 3 piece medical gas valves are designed to meet the NFPA 99c, ISO 7396-1 & G-01 standards.


  • Valve shall be 3 piece ball-type full bore design, with a bronze/ brass body, stainless steel ball, stem, bolts & nuts.
  • Seat shall be Teflon (RPTFE) and seals Viton.
  • Valves ½” to 2” shall have a minimum pressure rating of 4137 kpa (600 psi) wog.Valves 3” to 4” shall have a minimum pressure rating of 2758 kpa (400 psi) wog.
  • Valve shall require only a quarter turn from fully open position to a fully closed position.
  • Extensions stubs shall be K type with a minimum 150 mm long to allow brazing without damaging the valve seat and seals due to heat transfer during brazing operati
  • Each valve shall be hydrostatically tested for leakages.
  • Each valve shall be washed and degreased for medical gas use.
  • Pipe stubs extensions shall be capped at both ends.
  • The valves shall be supplied in sealed plastic bags, marked with “Oxygen” or “cleaned for oxygen use”, to prevent contamination prior to installation.
  • Valves shall be Silbermann model SP150 or equivalent.
  • All valves shall comply with NFPA 99, ISO 7396-1 & G-01 standards.

Medical Gas System Standards:

  • NFPA99, EN ISO 7396-1 & G-01 requirements.

Silbermann’s Quality Management System:

  • EN ISO 13485-2016
    ISO 9001-2015. Medical Gas System Standards:

Valve box with a pull-out window and Valve box with an aluminium door

General Speciications

  • Zone valve box shall be Silbermann series.
  • Each recessed/exposed zone valve shall consist of a steel valve box constructed of 1.5 mm steel sheet, complete with a backed enamel inish RAL 9016, which can house single or multiple shut-off ball valves with the tube extensions.
  • Valves shall be a 3-piece forged brass and a 4 bolt design, bronze or brass body, stem, ball bolts and nuts shall be made of stainless steel , double seal, full port union balltype, with Telon (RPTFE) seats and Viton seals, with a pressure rating of 4080 kPa (600 psi) or 40.8 bars.
  • Valves shall be operated by a lever-type handle requiring anly a quarter turn from a fully opened to a fully closed position. All valves shall be equipped with type “K” washed and degreased copper pipe stub extensions of suficient length to protrude beyond the sides of the box.
  • All pipe stub extensions shall be supplied with suitable plugs or caps to prevent contamination of the assembly prior to installation.
  • Each valve shall be supplied with a medical gas identiication label.
  • Valves shall be available with or without line pressure gauges, as required. Gauges, shall be 50 mm diameter.
  • Pressure gauges shall read 0-1100 kPa (0-11 bar) for all gauges except Nitrogen, which shall read 0-2500 kPa (0-25 bar), and Vacuum, which shall read 0-100 kPa (0-760 mmHg).
  • There are two front options: an aluminum door or a pull-out removable window.
  • The valve body can withstand pressure up to 500 PSIG.
  • Valve body is a full bore port, 3-piece valve.
  • Standard pressure gauge for inspection and service.
  • It has properties according to NFPA 99.

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